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![]() x srya
▪ ▪ polaroid camera ▪ ▪ walk around Europe ▪ ▪ backpacking! ▪ write a book ▪ ▪ compose a song ▪ ▪ travel internationally ▪ be in two places at once ▪ play the guitar ▪ go to africa ▪ make it to california :)
December 2007
January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 May 2011 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012
Wednesday, February 20
something happened this week :p
i cant recall wat. haha. well here's wat i remember monday : -that indonesian guy abe hedley scares the geebers out of me. wtf :o -it was bj's birthday. ee. tua redi :p -loooong perhimpunan in the morning. -someone got on someone's nerves :p -went to tuition. it was physics. i got confused :x tuesday : -they threw a surprise after party for bj :) -we main2 tilik nasib in school :o -went to tuition. chemistry. -ate keropok :o wednesday : -DID NOT GO TO SCHOOL :( -SUPPOSE to watch a spanish dvd on "the pearl" in scul but i din go. i wana watch!! :'( -SUPPOSE to go bowling practise :x -will be going to tuition for addmaths later :o -FAILED bm lisan coz i din freakin go! :'( thursday, friday, saturday and sunday : will happen tomorrow n the next day. and the next. n the next til its monday all over again :p
Wednesday, February 13
Happy CNY :) ok not so happy. but stil :x shut up crinkles -.-"
Monday, February 11
CNY eve :]
i am a malay chinese :p
haha. does dat make sense at all? ;) THIS IS A RESULT OF SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME IN A CAR :O two freakin hours excluding the whole morning waiting -.- CNY Eve Dinner, i dressed like a school girl :) during dinner. SOUP! :D AFTER DINNER :D
Tuesday, February 5
he's back :D
haha. as u can tell by the blog title, he's back! :D and here's a pic to prove it ;p
seee. i told you ;p
Monday, February 4
tragedy 03 Feb 2008
ok. the last time i talked about my brother was about rambutan having a fever right? well THIS time. its about my OTHER brother. Mohd Nazri :] Form3. PMR candidate this year. SMK Lokyuk. ![]() sadly, what happened was, he was playing football infront of the house. THEN. he tripped. and fractured his arm :x mainly, the wrist. and its his freakin RIGHT ARM which he uses to freakin WRITE! kesiaaaan the boy. and to think i havent been talkin to him for a week due to his dumbass behaviour -.- so now he has to spend a few nights at the hospital. i went to visit lastnight since he was admitted yesterday. the place is freakin creepy :s coz, well. it IS a hospital :o wonder if he'll be better in time for chinese new year :x hope so. wudnt be the same :/ ehh. oh well. hope he gets better. we're guessing he'll get extra angpau out of pity :D haha. bahhh. cepat la kau keluar hospital dobo :p
Sunday, February 3
false alarm -.-
ok. many of u people know im close to Qay.
and i've been hearing a rumor lately. and to clear things up, i'll clear things up. I AM NOT and i repeat, AM NOT, QAYYUM'S FREAKIN EX-GF. yea Crinkles, i've been hearing -.- im only CLOSE to him. as in RAPAT. in a close friends kinda way? before lagi rapat la. now not so. but still. to whoever who has ever thought Qay's my ex. ITS A FALSE RUMOR. seriously :o so yea. not true ah! :S i was never in a relationship with Qay. Just F.R.I.E.N.D.S xO eh. Crinkles. can u believe people thought we were an item? haha. retarded dis :p |